Tuesday, November 4, 2008


hey everyone! so long time no update! i have been so busy traveling. i just got back from a nine day trip to helsinki, tallinn and riga.. (all amazing cities..i am still going through my 4 gigs of photos from that week...)and then this weekend we had another class field trip up to the north east to hossa.. where all of us in nordic design stayed in a cabin on a beautiful lake. we enjoyed the fresh snow, saw amazing amounts of stars and shooting stars, went on a great hike through the woods to see 4000 yr old pictographs, cooked around the fire and of course enjoyed the sauna! i really enjoyed going straight from the sauna into the lake and of course rolling in the snow, too. check out my pictures from the finnish nature.. i will try to write more soon!

1 comment:

illy said...

hi!! i've read into your blog that you're studing abroad! I'de like to do this but I'm too young! I'm 17 and I'm from Italia (Assisi)...if you want visit my blog, I would like talk with you... (sorry if my englisch is not perfect)...
this is my blog http://pumasorridente.blogspot.com

bye bye,Ilenia...