Monday, November 24, 2008

sneaky fruit and hibernation

so once again today, random fruit appeared in our finnish salad. often to our surprise, there is fruit mixed in with the cabbage or lettuce salads which we eat at school everyday. sometimes it is diced peaches, canned pineapple (the finns love their pineapple), oranges, or even berries! my irish friend amy coined these as "sneaky fruits" which fits perfectly. we asked our professor if sneaky fruits were always in lettuce salads, and laughing she told us she never noticed them before but now is aware of just how often they appear. also, she said it wasn't typical, just at school. hmmm. very interesting.

in other news, today it was completely dark before 3pm. by 4 i was falling asleep while working in studio. i feel like it is time for me to hibernate. the darkness is so powerful. it is only 6:30 but it feels like 10pm. it is really something to experience... now, i think i will take a little nap, eat some dinner and then get back to work. one project down, two to go.


sho(e)paholic said...

Oh Lia, I hate the fact that I found your blog so late :( I guess I should have spied on your profile earlier. Love your texts and it's nice to get an outsider's opinion and view of Finland. Most importantly, i'm so glad to hear your experience was so positive :)
Have a good one and best of luck with your job hunt! -Saila

sho(e)paholic said...

And by outsider I meant someone who has an unbiased point-of-view as mine is sometimes too romantic or too cynic :D