Thursday, October 16, 2008


i could not be happier today! this morning from 10-11 a computer guy from Dell Finland came and fixed my computer! it took less than an hour with tea and all... it was an easy fix, just replacing my video display card! wOOt! (thanks old greg) i am so overjoyed to have my computer back. it is kind of crazy how much this machine connects me to the rest of the world. to you, my friends and family at home, to the world of news, entertainment, music, social networks, etc. and of course for necessary to manage all my pictures, music and schoolwork! wow, this is a great day.

so last night, ESN organized a finnish puulla baking where we learned how to make the traditional sweet bread of finland. it was super fun following the recipe and all baking together, and then of course eating the puulla after! it is really delicious..a sweet dough with cardemum, cinnamon and sugar. i think that our group made the most delicious puulla! i will post the recipe and some pics soon...

today, i am just getting ready for next week's trip to jyvaskyla, helsinki,tallinn and riga! i hope you are all doing well... send me updates of your lives, i would love to hear from you!

1 comment:

Greg said...

haha w00t! if you wanna be 1337, you've gotta use zeroes in the "woot" also, an exclamation is in order...

so that's...


ps. sweetbreads, yum.