Wednesday, September 10, 2008

suomi (finland)

so i made it to oulu! it is a beautiful city and the air is so crisp and fresh. everything seems cleaner in finland from the smell of the air to the minimal nordic aesthetic. i couldn't be happier!

so to begin my journey... i left from cedar falls with bjorn on thursday around 2pm and he drove me to minneapolis where i my plane took off at 9pm! i had a great flight over the atlantic, it was really strange because i was sitting in the second to last row in a window seat and this man came and sat down next to me. the whole time he looked really uncomfortable and irritated and i could tell he didn't want to talk, so i figured it might be an awkard 9 hours! so before we take off the man gets up and goes to the back of the plane and then returns about a minute later... then out of nowhere a flight attendent comes up to me and says, "miss, you can move to the front where you can have a window seat and more space." so i followed her all the way to the second row behind first class and had my very own two whole seats! it was a great flight with a good hot dinner and breakfast.the 9 hours flew by as i watched the sex and the city movie (pretty good, although i was a bit disappointed), drank 2 glasses of wine and proceeded to sleep pretty much the last 5 hours!

In amsterdam i had a short 2 hour layover and then i was on my way to helsinki! in helsinki i immediately got all my baggage and went to the domestic flights where i waited for 4 hours to catch my cheap blue1 flight to oulu! by this time i was very exhausted, yet so excited to be near my destination! as we flew out of helsinki i could only keep my eyes open long enough to see fireworks exploding in the distance as if welcoming me to my finnish adventure.

after landing in oulu we walked in the cold finnish air into the airport to baggage claim! waiting for my bags i met a dozen other exchange students and we all became fast friends as we took taxis into town. after dropping off my bags into my room (it is great all white, yellow and blue and very cheery) i went with my new french friend, anais (she is also sharing my room until oct. 1st when her flat is ready!) to a close building where a number of the other design and architecture students were having a party! ildika (from hungary) had made hungarian food and eleanora (from roma) made pasta, so it was great to eat a warm meal. everyone is super friendly and seems to be here for the same reasons as myself! it is so great.

now i have been here for 5 days and it feels like i already have many good friends. i am getting my barings aorund the city and am finally figuring out what my schedule will be for the semester. i am looking forward to tomorrow when we start our first class in the woodshop!

more news and pictures later... i now have to get ready for the vulcanalia (a big party for all oulu students sponsored by the university!)


Brownie said...

Lia! Its good to hear from you! Looks like you're having fun. I look forward to reading more about your adventures and looking at some awesome photos! Happy travels and keep in touch!

Much love,

Unknown said...

Great to hear more about your adventure in Finland. I bet Dell will come through on the computer.

Can't wait to see pictures too.
