Friday, September 26, 2008

happy weekend.

woot. so it is friday, and i am tired from a long but exciting week... since monday i have been busy with classes but have also had a bit of fun!

yesterday, the highlight of my day was helping two of my friends (christian and jorge) in the redbull gravity challenge... which was to drop an egg 50m and have it land safetly, not broken on a target! we came up with a "rocket" like design that was made out of a 1.5 liter water bottle upsidedown with sand in the bottom, then cotton balls filling it up. the egg was placed near the top of the bottle with two doors cut in the side of the bottle equipped with cardboard ramps so after the rocket landed the egg could nicely roll out the door and down the ramp safely on the target. we added a sparkly party hat as the nose of the rocket to make it look more rockin and aerodynamic! (i will post pics of this soon)

the contest was pretty hilarious and some of the other 15 teams had spent considerably more time, money and energy on their inventions.. but amazingly, our egg landed safetly (by burying into the cotton) without breaking, however it failed to roll onto the target. so we ended up with a mere 7 points with the winner getting 10! the winning team won a lot of redbull (no loss there) and a free jump out of a plane (with guide and parachute), yikes! i was happy to just be outside and enjoy the sunshine!

today, i had a very interesting lecture about the topological reconstruction of architecture using algorithmic methods... the lecturer was an eccentric genious of a man who simplified this concept down into a fairly understandable lecture. it is crazy to think about designing whole buildings with named geometric patterns + trial and error scripts of specific parameters... if you imagine the work of zaha hadid you kind of get the image in your head of what this looks like. he showed us some slides of frank gehry´s work and explained how really it was kind of a false reality because he uses steel for the structure and then merely covers it with sweet surfaces... then he went on to show us some of his models of experiments which use structures from nature (a bird´s nest for example) which can exist structurally independent from something like steel. i think this is really fascinating and confusing and i would like to imagine a world someday with the materials and methods to make this possible...

i am looking forward to another exciting weekend...tonight, i am going to the
11TH ANNUAL MANHATTAN SHORT FILM FESTIVAL where 12 films are shown 295 times in 115 cities in one week... i am glad oulu is one of them! it should be pretty sweet. tomorrow, i have my nature adventure and then sunday i am meeting my kummi family (a 34 yr. old couple without kids) to go for a walk along the sea! they sound very friendly on the phone, so i look forward to meeting them.

in other news, i sent in my ballot today to vote! very exciting!! they will also send me another official ballot so i cast my vote twice, but it will be only counted once, darn....hopefully, i can watch the debate online! go obama!!!

let me know what you are all up to at home. i really appreciate any feedback and comments!

hauskaa viikonloppua! ....................(have a good weekend)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love this blog you have set up, I feel like I'm seeing Finland with you it's awesome! Sounds like you are embracing every opportunity that is available and going on many adventures. Keep taking beautiful pictures, and I hope to talk to you soon!